Here I am with all my emotions up due to PMS and I'm taking it all out here on this blogpost. Haha!
Well, as you have read on my previous posts (Not sure if you did but just pretend you did at this point in time), I just got baptised recently and I'm so proud of it! I have been wanting to when I was still in the Philippines but never really had the chance. The journey I had with the Lord and still is having with right now is so awesome that I can write a whole blogpost about it! But, I wouldn't get into that now. Hihi.
My friends and I just recently went on a trip to Devonport and while we were joking around, one of my friends just brought something to my attention when he told me "The reason why you don't have a boyfriend is because you kept on sharing God related posts on Facebook". I know he meant it as a joke and I never took offence and I just replied saying "I'd rather have God than have a boyfriend. He can either take it or leave it" and we all just laughed.
Then comes to my main point. Haha! Here are the top 3 things that Christians are tired of hearing.. but first, please note that you and I are Christians and hopefully we can all scratch the labels off and ignore religion and just concentrate on your relationship with God.
We're all not. We're just humans with all heightened emotions that sometimes can go overboard due to the presence of our hyper active hormones. Whew! That sounded so.. "scientific" HAHAHA.
It saddens me that people would look at people who believes in God that way. We're humans and it's our nature to sin. The only difference is as believers, we should be more careful in how we act even if we know God offers forgiveness. The only way that we can get others to God is by living with God. :)
Do not be equally yoked with unbelievers. If people find your boring to hang out with just because you find joy in bible studies, church plays and serving Christ, then they're not the right people to hang out with. Come to church and you'll know how awesome it is to be a part of a team that sings and worship God! :)
I don't even know why people would think that the closer you are to God the blessed you're going to be. It is not something that you actually sign up for to get earthly wealth. It's your relationship with God and the joy and peace you find in HIM that makes you feel blessed. As believers, more often, the closer you are to God, the more the devil will test you and challenge you and hit areas in your life wherein you find it the weakest.. and then you will breakdown. Cry. Resent God. That's exactly what the devil wanted and he just did it to you and there he is laughing somewhere.
Why do we often associate blessings to wealth and material things? Finding peace amidst uncertainties in life, finding comfort in every hurt, finding joy in the worst situations, are these things more fulfilling than having more than 6 digits on your bank account? (I know you think that in saying that, that makes me a hypocrite since who on earth would not like to have that much money?) Yes, it would be great to have money but remember, you can either serve God or money.
I personally feel blessed when God gives me peace of mind. It's something that I can't find anywhere else even in the presence of my loved ones. It's God's gift to have peace despite the unknown. When we say "peace be with you", we should actually receive peace and declare it over our lives.
How do you know if you're blessed more than the worth of all your belongings or possessions combined? Look at the smile on your face in the mirror and the search for that happiness in your heart. That's when you know that God is working and He has already blessed you without you knowing it. :)
Gotta sleep now or I might get sick again! Hihi Goodnight loves! God bless you! :)
xoxo, Gennin