I don't know why but God is actually calling me to post about this today. It's almost 11pm and I feel like I need to be in bed right now since tomorrow, I would be all rushing out the door again because the bus is on it's way but there's something inside of me that's pushing me to blog about this.. Not sure why but hopefully by the end of this blog post, you who's reading this, will actually learn something! So speak to me God and help me accomplish this post :)
I am a sinner. I may be a Christian but that doesn't make me higher than anyone else. That doesn't make me less prone to sin. That doesn't even make me a saint! (Not that I intend to be one. Haha! :P)
Based on all the sins that I've done in the past, (and by past I mean like an hour ago. You get it.), here's what I've noticed that happens every time I sin.
Fear automatically kicks in after we sin. I do believe that "sinning" is something that we can actually prevent from happening in the first place. It's something that is somehow at the back of our minds we know that is wrong but we kept on arguing with ourselves and pretend that it's not because we are trying to justify our actions. The bad thing about us committing a sin is that, we might not actually get the consequences of our actions right away but this anxiety.. this fear that we experience is far greater than the actual deed itself. If you know what I mean!!!
Doubt God's ability to forgive me because I did something that I know is not according to what He wanted me to do. I begin to doubt my ability to be good again.
I'm always alone so this doesn't actually apply much to me. Haha! #segway :P
But the reason why most of us try to decline invitations and stay away from others every time we commit something wrong is that we don't actually want other people to find out what we've done.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I do not encourage you in any way to commit sin just so you could experience the grace of God but after all the awful things that you've done in the past few minutes of your life, I'm just letting you know now that God is still not against you. Yes, our Lord is that good. He is disappointed in you and saddened about what you have done but He will still show you in other ways that EVEN IF you've done this, He still cares for you. He wouldn't let you off the hook, you will still experience a bit of a suffering as consequences to your actions but He will show you something in the middle of that suffering that YOU will still go back and call unto HIM for forgiveness.
One of my favourite songs from Hillsong has this line "Your grace abounds in deepest waters". I never really understood it when it happened to me. You will never fully understand it as well but create an open heart and God will speak directly to you. It may not be the same as how I've experienced it but God will always tailor it according to you as a person.
Whew! This blog post didn't took long to finish! 30 mins max! Woot woot! Haha! That's how God works through us. Everything will just come out, all you need is to type and execute it. Thank you Lord for your unending grace towards me and the person reading this.
Have a lovely Thursday tomorrow guys! God bless and Take care because...
I care. Bwahaha! :P
xoxo, Gennin :)