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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Behind the screens-10 things OFWs don't and won't tell you

Most of the time people would think that you are having the best life possible just because you're living abroad.. wrong.

They also think that you're earning millions and you're always happy and you don't have as much problems as they do.. also wrong.

It's funny how people make assumptions about something so easily and how people become envious of what others have because of the little parts that they see. I used to be one of those people who would think that people abroad are lucky, they are so #blessed and I wished I was one of them.

This blog is not about being ungrateful to God on where I am now because this is what I have always wanted and I will always thank Him for this chance and for all the answered prayers. Instead, I want this blog to be an enlightenment to those people behind the screens. People behind every Facebook messenger, Viber or FaceTime calls.

Here are 10 things OFWs don't and won't ever tell you.

1. They're travelling and taking photos because it's their pause from everything else that's happening.
From visas to immigration fees to costly rents to dealing with cultural differences.. we have a lot of things going on in our head that if we bottle ourselves up in one room, depression is going to swallow us. I'm not even kidding.

2. When they see you on screen, it makes their day.
Most of us when we live close to our families we neglect the free time that we have to spend with them. For people abroad, every second of a call, counts.

3. They have a slight jealousy on every photo they see.
For relationships this might mean seeing their other half sitting next to someone on a photo when that could've been them.
For families (aside from being jealous of not being able to eat their comfort food), it's just about the moments, the birthdays and the laughter that they're missing out on.

4. They send money because they want to, even if you don't need it.
People abroad mostly work to provide. All they want is to see their loved ones getting what they want even if they need to sacrifice theirs. Their sacrifice doesn't burden them because they're doing it out of love, so being sorry for them for doing that is not necessary.

5. A tear or two falls from their eyes more often than not after you press the 'end' button.
Being strong and acting strong is what makes you stay abroad. If they cry, only the four walls of their room would see it. 

6. Their problems.
May it be work related, relationship related, family related, anything. 
They won't tell you because of your response. They won't tell you because they don't want to make you feel bad for them because that's the least that they would ever want. Just always let them know you're there. Sometimes, it's all that matters. Cliche.

7. That going back home is not about giving or bringing material things.
In fact, nothing is.

8. Your words affect them. The distance makes them a tad bit more sensitive.
Your tongue has the power to speak life into them, as the bible says. Use it to both of your advantage. Never compare them to anyone else. 

9. Your stories may it be good or bad makes them feel like they still belong.

10. How much they love you.
I personally became more vocal to my family about how much I love them ever since I left the country. I realised that every human being needs to know that they are loved because every human has the heart to love.

I don't know how to end this so, bye. :)

xoxo, Gennin

Proverbs 18:21 New International Version (NIV)

The tongue has the power of life and death,
    and those who love it will eat its fruit.

P.S. Just in case my family is reading this, to clarify, this is a general blog and doesn't apply to me only. I was thinking about other overseas workers while writing this. K, thanks bye :P