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Monday, February 27, 2017

5 things I love about New Zealand

I've been out of Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat for almost a month now and I feel like I've done quite a lot lately. I was able to clean my room (I can hear my mom say, "Wow, what a miracle!" Haha! She always say that to me every time I do some cleaning. Haha! #annoying), I was able to enjoy a friends' birthday without my phone since I was able to actually talk, I was able to find time to do other stuff rather than looking at the screen of my phone! Hurray! Haha! I did this a few months ago and it was hard but awesome. Anyways, while I was running at the Basin earlier with my workmate, I got the chance to see the beautiful colours of the sky before it went dark. It made me thank God so much for He has brought me to this really amazing country. God knows me better than I know myself and let me tell you why below. :)

1. NATURE (Trees, mountains, rivers, and oh... cows.)
I never realised how much I find cows cute until I saw them here. Haha! It always makes me smile whenever I see a group of cows together and I don't know why. Something must be wrong with me. Haha! God knows how much I love the simple life. I would prefer living somewhere far in the city (Don't get me wrong, as of today, I miss the city life so bad since you can't go walking outside alone at night in the suburbs. Haha!) wherein I would wake up to a beautiful sunrise and watch the sunset in the afternoon and plant roses on my backyard. Ahh, what a dream. Haha! :)

Trust me. They have portable toilets on every event that you go to. Most of them have tissues as well. Hahaha! Uh-mazing! :D

I heard that Australia has good coffee too (from my barista class. hihi) but since I haven't been there to try it out yet, I would just have to be content and happy on what this beautiful country has to offer!

Back home, most places would require you to pay a little bit of of money to go to a certain park (we don't have that many parks so I'm just exaggerating here. Haha!) but here you can just hop on a bus that'll take you to a park and you can go and stay there all day, read a book or just chill and watch the ducks! The best part is, you get to enjoy fresh air. :) P.S. You can also enjoy an outdoor run as long as it's bright an sunny outside!

I have experienced some racist comments but overall, the people here are really friendly and helpful. They would smile at you and just makes you feel like you belong even if you're still not a resident. (Peeps, you get me. Haha!) It's nice that most migrants got to adapt to that culture and practice it as well. I have met a lot of great people here from my classmates, churchmates, workmates and strangers on the streets. :)

 Isaiah 12:4-5
And you will say in that day: "Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted. "Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously; let this be made known in all the earth."

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