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Thursday, February 1, 2018

3 things that you should never compromise when finding a partner

My friend inspired me to write this post tonight (aside from me being wide awake) since a few days ago she asked me to pray for her since she has a dilemma about love. Yes, I know that it's hilarious that she's asking me of all people about this but oh well. Haha!! Deal with it guys. Haha. :P

I don't know about you but I feel like it's important to find the right person rather than settling for who's available. The society that we are in right now are pressuring us to engage in something that is going to greatly affect our future and I don't think we should just give in just because the society said so. I'm  glad that I am currently staying in a country that doesn't view age as as strong influence when it comes to love and relationships but for those who live in my home country, that is something serious when you reach the age of 25.

Does age really matter? Yes? No? Insert Poll. Haha. I have thought about these 3 things and personally this is something that I think you should never compromise just because you feel kilig and you feel like it's time for you to get a partner or you're in an age that it might be hard for you to find that person anymore. I know some might disagree (Hopefully, y'all will agree but.. haha!) but I hope that this is going to be fun and interactive so comment below if if you have something to add! 

1.  Your Values.
The dating stage is the best time to know the person's values. You should never compromise it because in the beginning of the relationship it might feel okay and you might be able to still endure the difference but if you're going to commit to that person for the rest of your life, raising your kids and the decisions that you will be making will still be rooted on the values that you both have as individuals. #sodeep Did you get that? HAHAHA.

2. Your personality.
It's our human tendency (wow) to adjust to the people that we spend time with and share our energy with. There are times when we do not notice but when we start to fall in love and when we start to want to please that person, sometimes we lose ourselves in the process. The way you are with your friends is sometimes different with the way you are with that person you're dating. I feel like transparency is important and the way I view it is that it's either you love me for who I am, flaws and all or go away. Haha! 

3. Your BELIEF.
I didn't say religion because that's not something that I believe in. I know it's hard when you're beginning to like someone and you couldn't agree on that area. My advice? Distance yourself from the beginning. Talk about it from the start. Ask and make it an intention to get an answer from that person you're dating. I can hear my friends yelling at me in my head while typing this. Haha! 

Yes, it's hard especially when you're attracted and that person is consistent (Because consistency is key to... prosperity? haha joke :P) but always remember, when getting into a relationship you're also thinking about a future with that person. If you believe in a God who loves you and a holy spirit that guides you and he or she believes in something else.. would it not affect the foundation of your relationship? I strongly believe that if Jesus is the center of your relationship, whatever it is that you're going to encounter in the future, whatever disagreements you may have, if you go back to that one thing that you both believe in, you will see restoration and will always end up in reconciliation. Amen? Amen. :)

It's 1am now and my brain stopped working 5 mins ago so I better end this or tomorrow I'd be a walking dead person again. Haha! If you have something to add or do not agree in anything that I've said, keep it to yourself!! Blog ko to e. Haha! Kidding! Feel free to disagree with me and comment below! :) Love you guys!

xoxo, Gennin

***This hasn't been proof read and I'm sleepy now so excuse the grammar. :P

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